Friday, September 09, 2005

Lists (Relating to Broadway Songs)

"A Few of My Favorite Things"

marinara sauce
reading in bed
men in crisp collared shirts
the smell of rain on cement
getting home after a long day

Why "I Enjoy Being a Girl"

can have long fluffy hair and not be gross
wearing pretty dresses
(it's hard to make this list and not seem like hopeless 50s-style repressed woman, but I do like those things.)
I sometimes like to have doors held open, etc., but hardly any guys do that anymore, so not quite the bonus it used to be.


I remember when my little sister was born, and I was excited because my mom gave me a new Teddy-bear so I wouldn't feel left out.

I remember getting my first tooth pulled when I was seven, and I refused to open my mouth for the novacaine shots. The dentist assured me it wouldn't hurt, and I believed him like an idiot. I opened my mouth and it hurt like heck.

I remember in fifth grade when I sent away for a list of all the endangered wildlife species, then brought it to class and the teacher let me present it to everyone. I can't believe how uncool I was.

I remember my first day of college when I had to play some stupid game with toilet paper and thinking that civilization was really going downhill fast.

I remember I was so happy on my 22nd birthday because my friends James and Jodi baked a cake with my name on it in blue frosting.

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