Sunday, December 11, 2005

A Letter to Snow

Dear Snow,

I've got to say, I've always thought we were friends. We played together when I was a child, and we had great times. Remember that winter when I made an igloo out of blocks of you? That was really special. Even as I've gotten older, I've looked forward to seeing you each year. I know that sometimes I pretended I didn't want you to visit, but that was just to impress my friends. Secretly, I loved watching you cover the ground with fluffy whiteness.

But, Snow, I have to be honest. Lately, you've kind of been overdoing it. Sure, I don't mind if you visit once, twice, even three times a month. But you don't know when to leave, and this Snow everyday thing is getting on everyone's nerves. Yes, other people are noticing too. My roommate made a comment today, something about "freaking snowing everyday." As a friend, I thought you should know.

Please don't take this the wrong way. It's just that I get tired of wearing boots everyday, and scraping my car is a real bitch. So Snow, this doesn't mean we're not friends anymore. On the contrary, I look forward to seeing you at Christmas. Just tone it down a little, and everything will be back to normal. Call me, we'll go sledding.


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