Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Fall is Nice

Ahh, fall. It seems I can't go a year without reflecting on my favorite season. Perhaps I like it because my birthday's in fall. But I don't want to talk about my birthday as I seem to be having a bit of a quarter life crisis. So, I also like fall because of the leaves and the wind and the hot chocolate and sweaters and cornstalks and Halloween cookies and pumpkins and creepy dark evenings. And then in November there's Thanksgiving, a wonderful holiday devoted to food. How can anyone not like fall?

Fall is when good movies start to come out. Only a little over a month until Harry Potter! The only bad thing about fall is that it is cold. I hate being cold. I am cold constantly from mid-October until April. Two years ago my grandma sent me long underwear, and I have big furry boots, but I am still cold. But I guess coldness is a small price to pay for all the other things I love.

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